Traveling for the holidays can be hard on everyone, but for someone with an invisible disability it is especially hard. Trips like a simple overnight stay require a lot of hustle and bustle there are no spur of the moment choices when you have medications to gather, and instructions to give.
Tonight’s story we would like to share comes not from one of the owners of a Service Dog by Warren Retrievers, but by the aunt of a two Type 1 Diabetic children who have one of our service dogs.
Both boys are diabetic.
I was doing paperwork in the office when Delta their alert dog/ guardian angel comes into the office and starts licking me. I figured I better go tell the boys to check (keep in mind they are playing in the front yard and he is at the door watching them).
They both check and are over 300 which is high blood sugar. The oldest gives his self insulin and the younger one tries but his pump refuses to let him because he was already receiving insulin from a earlier bolus he gave himself before he went outside.
So they go back to playing and I go back to my work bout 45 minutes goes by and they come in. Delta is freaking out growling and pacing in font of me. So, the boys check even though they seem fine. I figure better safe then sorry.
The oldest is fine but the youngest is 77, very low, very quick so it’s time for sugar!!!
I thank God for this wonderful pup he just saved Eric’s life once again. I would not have seen him going from 300 to 77 in 45 minutes from running and playing.
I love you Delta you’re the best!!!
Typically children with Type 1 have a hard time spending a few hours away from their parents protective eyes, so sleep overs are out of the question, but Delta’s family knows that their protector will watch him when his parents are not there to do so.
If you or someone you know could benefit from having a Service Dog for an invisible disability
please visit our Contact us page.
To read more information about the types of services our medical alert dogs
can provide please Click Here!
To help contribute towards our programs, so another family can geta much needed service dog please Click Here!
Our offices and staff are closed for the Holidays until 1/2/13 at 9:00 am.
We are so excited to welcome the New Year as our organization continues to grow! Be safe and enjoy this time of year!