With its premier in Sundance Film Festival 2015, ‘Midnight Three & Six’ brings us a close look in the life of a juvenile Diabetic, Grace Chamberlain. The film begins with Grace’s mother showing us the many medications prescribed to Grace to handle her diabetes. While showcasing the physical and practical aspects of diabetes, the filmmaker also captures the emotional toll of living with diabetes, both for the care taker and the Diabetic herself. Though Grace is a normal teenager, her life is markedly different through her invisible illness.
On Being a Juvenile Diabetic
Through the film we find Grace’s mother taking great lengths to care for her daughter’s highs and lows. As a young adult, Grace looks to find independence, while her mother struggles to let her go due to the ongoing diabetes care she needs. As a Diabetic, Grace is wise beyond her years. She acknowledges her disease could cause serious harm if not constantly monitored. As a volatile Diabetic, finding independence proves to be a challenge.
Though ‘Midnight Three & Six’ highlights the serious health risks that come with this invisible illness, it makes sure to highlight the Chamberlain’s one reliable friend: Jackie the Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers Diabetic Alert Dog. Through the film, Jackie plays a crucial role for the Chamberlain family: she provides peace to Grace’s mother, as a “layer of protection between what could happen and what will happen to Grace.” While Grace’s mother finds comfort in the protection that Jackie provides through alerting, Grace finds comfort through her company and companionship:
“When I got Jackie, a lot of things changed for me…I don’t remember being this happy before…I don’t remember liking dogs as much before…I take her everywhere with me…”
We find that a Diabetic Alert Dog provides juvenile Diabetics more than protection: they provide love, solace and friendship. When a child is faced with diabetes, it is pertinent to have a service dog for support and comfort.
Finding Support Through Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers
Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers is proud to have helped make a change in the Chamberlain family. With our support, service dog training and highly selective puppy selection process, families who invest in service dogs for invisible illness always find the miracle they are looking for. In the face of invisible illness, finding a companion who understands your disease and protects you from harm is priceless. If you or a loved one are in need of a Diabetic Alert Dog, contact SDWR today.
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